viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011


I used to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.

I didn't use to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.

Did you use to cry when they took sool?


I used to go to sleep at my home.

I didn't use to go to sleep at my home.

Did you use to sleep at  home?


 I used to sell books.

 I didn't use to sell books.

Did you use to sell  chocolate?

5-. Oscar:

I used to do bookreports.

I didn't use to do bookreports.

Did you use to do bookreports.?

6-. Johanna:

I used to live in Mexico.

I didn't use to live in Mexico.

Did you use to live in China?

7-. Mayra:

I used to visit my grandmother.

I didn't use to visit my grandmother.

Did you use to visit your grandmatherr?

8-. Isaac:

I used to make chocolate cakes.

I didn't use to make chocolate cakes.

Did you use to make ice cream  ?

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