martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011


Monday, martes y
  did not eat anything all day

1 loaf
2 meat
3 potatoes

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

gain weight

Many people want to gain weight because they are too thin. To gain weight fast is to eat more calories; we need to consume more energy than what we spend. We also need to consume more proteins, to gain weight or to have muscles. It’s a good diet in all aspects the protein. Good sources of protein include fresh and canned fish, lean cuts of red meat, chicken, turkey, low fat milk and yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, egg whites, soy products and whey protein powder. Carbohydrates supply our body with an immediate source of energy, its essential for any type of training. Carbohydrate for a weight gain diet includes whole meal bread, potatoes, brown rice, pasta, couscous, fresh and tinned fruit and dried fruit. Fat, contains more calories than carbohydrates, and helps you more to gain weight, but we need good fats like Flaxseed oil and bananas. The best method is to meal frequency.  Not 3 big meals, we have to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day each 3 hours.

viernes, 26 de agosto de 2011


I used to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.

I didn't use to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.

Did you use to cry when they took sool?


I used to go to sleep at my home.

I didn't use to go to sleep at my home.

Did you use to sleep at  home?


 I used to sell books.

 I didn't use to sell books.

Did you use to sell  chocolate?

5-. Oscar:

I used to do bookreports.

I didn't use to do bookreports.

Did you use to do bookreports.?

6-. Johanna:

I used to live in Mexico.

I didn't use to live in Mexico.

Did you use to live in China?

7-. Mayra:

I used to visit my grandmother.

I didn't use to visit my grandmother.

Did you use to visit your grandmatherr?

8-. Isaac:

I used to make chocolate cakes.

I didn't use to make chocolate cakes.

Did you use to make ice cream  ?

Erika valencia

Affirmative Structure: Used to dance classical music.

Negative Structure: I did not use to classic dance music.

  Structure: did you use to dance classic? yes.

jueves, 25 de agosto de 2011


I used to do bookreports

I used to go to sleep at my home.


I used to visit my grandmother.


1.-Did you used to make chocolate cakes? Yes i did.......No i didn't.

2.-We used to play cards until midnight.

3.--if you want something you need to work hard.


I used to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.

angelicaI used to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.

I used to cry when they took me to the kindergarden.


1.-  Used to dance classical music.

 2.-I didn't use to dance classic music.

3.- did you use to dance classic music?